Thursday, July 1, 2010

One year ago, when we were still under the hands of HH Tan... we went through thick and thin(i can say there was no thin.. all thick) with each other and now 1 year later, i decided to come up with a post to commemorate our journey as a HH certified diver.. oO

PS: this is an extra effort to make the blog look more lifely(before felix turns here into a serious blog) :D

Vote for your "best" hammering session !
SAF 2009, exactly one year before, we were at the field doing some hammering because we squat down in the MPH , we hammered for near 2h and HH didnt intend to stop... -_-
1000 body-builders during dive phase , we did it from 12am to .. say...3am?? although i skipped 200 bodybuilders with someone(forgot who was it..we were hiding in BMT block 01-01 :D )
500(or more?) 2-count push-ups at dive pool n bear crawl to slipway to continue with knuckle squats and eventually we were lying on the beach.. luckily on the day Mr lee went to hide if not there would not be any 31st batch left.. Intel said he was going to find Mr lee for 3 IBS boats...HENG)
LCT, doing swimmer exercise in the orange mud with some sick smell, an hour later or so roll in maggot pool because alvin keng and never camo his face.. guys , please fuck alvin.. :D(just kidding) free polls

Posted by: Edgar :D
See u guys on sat.

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